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Showing posts from May, 2023

My last weekend

 Today i'm write about that i did on my last weekend. On friday i joined with my friends to do a tour on my commune, Maipú. First we joined on "plaza de Maipú" and we toured a beutiful fair of entrepreneurs. After we went to "Plaza Monumento", a square with a big monument to "the winner of the winners of Bailén". Later we walked to the "Templo Votivo de Maipú" a big catolic basilica built on the grounds of an old chapel comissioned by Bernardo O 'Higgins. That ride lasted an hour and a half and next to do that we took a bus to a super market and bought food to eat after in my house. We have a really good night, where we laught, talked and ate so much. At saturday i passed time with my familly and at the night i went to a party on La Florida. On sunday the votes were held, and i went to vote near of my house  and after i  went with my family to my grandmother's house, because is a tradition do that to see the results. Despiete being ve