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My last family meal that i have

In my family we meet more times in the year to celebrate birthsdays, mother´s day, father´s day and sometimes we meet whithout any organization when we go to my granparent´s house. I like my brother, sister, parents and my bithday, because in this occasions my maternal and paternal family come to my house.

The last family meal that i remember, it was the last mother´s day. At this time we celebrate in my house and my parents invite their respectives familys. to receive the guests my father cleans the terrace and my mother prepared all the things that are needed to put on the table. I mede the garden beutiful, planted plants and my mom asked me to buy flowers for the table.

The meal was relly good, my aunts and my grandmothers prepared cakes and in my house my parents preapere burgers. My family and i talked a loong time on the table and my little cousins played all the time with my little sister. When the people started to leve, my mother gave to every mother a red rose. 

I will remember with great joy this family moment that we lived.


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