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My final post

I really like write post on my blog, because i thik that is an space where you can express with liberty many things. My favourite post that i writed is the post of holiday when I was a child. I think that this post made me remember how much I liked going on vacation with my grandparents. I don't have a post that I didn't like to write and I´m sad because i wasn't can do every post in class.  The blog that i like to read is from Barbara. Her post are really nice and she knows how to write a lot but entertaining the reader. Write and read blogs it's  funy and hepls me to improve my English. Now i read more fast than before, and I can write with more facility. The unic thing that I dislike for tusing the blog is that this socialsite is not famous and it is not so used for the people. Goodbye classmates and profesor, it was a pleasure learning with you.
Recent posts

Santa Lucia's Hill

Santa Lucia's hill is in Alameda, the principal street of Santiago and is a few meters of the Santa Lucia subway station. I went to this place in some ocassions, because i don´t have more time to go often. I like go to the hill with my girlfriend because she love´s this place and has a secret spot. Is in this site where our relationship started and every time we go we passed time toghether. We like taking photos of the trees and the panoramic of the site when the sunset comes. The last time we went, was the last friday at my girlfriend birthday. I relly like this hill and i want to go more often.   

My friend Shania

Today i writting about my friend Tania. Me and Tania are studing Geaography and we are at same level, we are classmates.  We met last yaer at the students mobilization, because we were students representatives of Geography. In this experience we could help each other and we shared many moments. She and i have in common that we shared the same sence of humor and we like to make fun of each other by making jokes.  Actually we haven't seen each other more, because we have many exams do. Me and Tania wants to go for the "Parque Forestal" and eat ice cream. She really likes mint icecream flavour with chocolate chips. I don't like this flavour, I prefer the Passion fruit ice cream. The last time we saw ech other was yesterday at Geomorphology class. I relly hope that she can get good grades this semester.

My last family meal that i have

In my family we meet more times in the year to celebrate birthsdays, mother´s day, father´s day and sometimes we meet whithout any organization when we go to my granparent´s house. I like my brother, sister, parents and my bithday, because in this occasions my maternal and paternal family come to my house. The last family meal that i remember, it was the last mother´s day. At this time we celebrate in my house and my parents invite their respectives familys. to receive the guests my father cleans the terrace and my mother prepared all the things that are needed to put on the table. I mede the garden beutiful, planted plants and my mom asked me to buy flowers for the table. The meal was relly good, my aunts and my grandmothers prepared cakes and in my house my parents preapere burgers. My family and i talked a loong time on the table and my little cousins played all the time with my little sister. When the people started to leve, my mother gave to every mother a red rose.  I will rememb

My last weekend

 Today i'm write about that i did on my last weekend. On friday i joined with my friends to do a tour on my commune, Maipú. First we joined on "plaza de Maipú" and we toured a beutiful fair of entrepreneurs. After we went to "Plaza Monumento", a square with a big monument to "the winner of the winners of Bailén". Later we walked to the "Templo Votivo de Maipú" a big catolic basilica built on the grounds of an old chapel comissioned by Bernardo O 'Higgins. That ride lasted an hour and a half and next to do that we took a bus to a super market and bought food to eat after in my house. We have a really good night, where we laught, talked and ate so much. At saturday i passed time with my familly and at the night i went to a party on La Florida. On sunday the votes were held, and i went to vote near of my house  and after i  went with my family to my grandmother's house, because is a tradition do that to see the results. Despiete being ve

A social media site

 Today i'm going to write about "El Ciudadano", a social media website on Instagram about current news and reportages. I found this site six or seven years ago, and after this moment i visit frewquently.I like to see this site, because keeps me informed and it´s editorial line coincides with my way of thinking and my opinions Tthis site, for me, is best than others, because mode the news delivered has a social and critical focus. more than others becs I thimk that i check the site tenty minutes per day at the week. A actyuially nwe tahat i saw it was about the "Política Nacional del litio? and news like that makes me question the mnwe desition.- If you want to follow de site, click in the next link:  Instagram El Ciudadano

A holiday that i remember

I don't remember when it was, but when i was a child i had a vacations with my family in El Tabo. At this moment i went with my mother, phather, my brother, my grandphaters on maternal side and the grandfather's dog. I remember that i walked a lot with my grandfhather and his dog on the nears of the house, because my granphather had very little vision . He and i walked in the square and on the typical dirt streets of the central coast. At nights, my grandphaters, my brother and me sleeped together in a small room on the second floor. Me and my brother fought  over who would sleep with my grandmother. My grand phathers are very funny, so we would laugh a lot before we fell asleep. At daytime my phaters took me and my brother to the beach and we played in the roock pools. I remember this vacations because i relly enjoyment  past time with my family and because one morning my grandfathers dog passed away and this was really terrible for him. I'm preserve t he good moments of t